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Wednesday 3 August 2011

Iphone 5 release soon ?新一代iPhone 5

等不及正版iPhone5 山寨版先推出了

  • 2011-08-03
  • 新聞速報
  • 【中廣新聞/葉柏毅】


wait no more, china factory already con iphone 5 (3rd brand) launched . Almost The same...
Per-day  sales  5 - 10 pieces (HK hp shop)
2 models, 
A] HK$388 China made
B] HK$530 China made,finishing in Taiwan.

Daniel Ionescu blogs in the following fashion:

According to China Times...suppliers are currently preparing 400,000 trial run iPhone 5 units...[a]s the iPhone 5 features guessing game picks up steam. ... For the past three years Apple has held a media event in September...this year the company is expected to launch the long-awaited iPhone 5.
The due for a refresh, as the iPhone 4 was launched more than one year ago. Conflicting rumors...are split between an incremental upgrade...with an A5 dual-core chip...and a camera boost, or a rather more radical suggested by alleged cases for the upcoming device.

Many of the other believable rumours are based around the display, with China Times claiming the iPhone 5 will have a slightly larger screen, iDealsChina posting photos of an iPhone 5 front bezel with a larger display, and continued speculation of an “edge-to-edge” display.  The reason why so many of these rumours come from China is simple – that is where Apple make their devices.
Other than the display, most of the other rumours are based around the likelihood of an A5 processor.  DigiTimes has reported that Apple are outsourcing the production of a processor based on the ARM Cortex A9 design, and both the China Times and the New York Times say they have confirmed that future iPhones will have an NFC (near filed communication) chip.
泡泡网手机频道7月30日 如果iPhone 5于9月正式发布,并要在短期内上市,也就意味着在还有1个多月的时间里,世界各地的运营商们已经要开始行动了。继欧洲运营商泄露了iPhone 5的消息后,现在韩国运营商处也已经出现了疑似iPhone 5的产品列表。
韩国运营商KT(韩国电信)和SKU均透露了疑似iPhone 5的信息。特别是上述来自SKU的产品表格显示的“AIP5”名称,这很明显是“Apple iPhone 5”的简写,而且iPhone 4在SKU产品列表中显示为“AIP4”也佐证了这一点。
不过,该列表中只有16GB和32GB可选,是不是意味着iPhone 5仍然没有升级到64GB呢?
另外,据称列表中“AIP5-00”指的会是解锁版iPhone 5。


巨头企业苹果旗下的iPhone手机在智能便携终端市场具有相当的影响力。按照以往的发布周期来看,我们即将在九月份迎来新一代iPhone 5产品,下面是关于iPhone 5的已知信息汇总,仅供参考:
现在我们可以确定的是iPhone 5正处于既定的研发阶段,而且iPhone5将搭载最新的iOS 5操作系统与大家见面。
——九月发布,多种渠道的分析都推荐苹果iPhone 5的发布日期会在今年九月份;
 ——外观没有实质变化,据称iPhone 5的外观将与iPhone 4十分相似,不会出现较明显的升级变化,因天线故障带来的麻烦足够iPhone设计人员在进行任何改动时都考虑再三;
——更快的A5处理器,基本每一代iPhone手机都可以享受到苹果自主研发的移动处理器,iPhone 5搭配新的处理器将会比iPhone 4的处理能力扩大一倍;
——更好的摄像头改进Flash功能,iPhone 5有望增加一个800万像素摄像头,满足网络通话和拍照的需求,另外加强对播放Flash效果的支持。
苹果不大可能会推出iPhone 5和iPhone 4G/4GS版本,版本太多太杂完全没有必要,除非iPhone 4G/4GS
没有物理主页按钮,在硬件设计方面,iPhone 5趋于完美,有人觉得主页按钮可以退休了,但从使用准确性和方便性来说,保留主页按钮十分必要。


iPhone新消息 苹果iPhone 5八月开始量产

目前外界普遍认为iPhone 5上市时间为9月份。今天国外媒体又带来新的iPhone 5消息称,苹果将在8月中旬到8月末开始组装生产iPhone 5,而根据这一消息预计,iPhone 5的销售时间则是第三季度末或者第四季度初期。
  之前台湾PCB(印制电路板)供应商们应其订单厂商苹果公司的要求,已经将产量平均下调了10%,外界普遍猜测,苹果此举是为iPhone 5的量产做准备。今天刚刚参加完上周台湾的苹果供应商相关会议的摩根斯坦利分析师凯特•哈勃提瑞表示,苹果降低上一代iPhone产量,的确是为了 iPhone 5的量产做准备,同时他还表示,iPhone 5的组装生产将在8月中旬到8月末开始。
  有消息称,由于日本地震而导致的苹果iPad的零配件供应不足的问题已经基本解决,所以苹果很可能会同供应商谈判以降低配件价格, 一旦谈判取得进展,苹果在九月份的净收入将有望继续大幅提升

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Here some of the Iphone 3G /3GS ( Old Model) still functional...  Good (My brothers' Iphone) Both of them are using.